Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Wow, it's been a crazy couple of days, I didn't even realize I hadn't updated!

The night after I wrote my last entry, I went and hung out with my dear friend Robbie and his amiable girlfriend, Sydney. We watched Boondocks and went over to this kid Ellis's house and went on a walk and it was all very lovely. Robbie and I have been semi-close for a while, but I hadn't really gotten a chance to bond with Sydney until that night. She really makes me feel at ease, and she's so cheerful and easy to be around. We made plans to go to Harry Potter World together soon, since Robbie's mom works there and can get us free tickets. We also made further plans for our future camping trip.

I just heard on the TV that 50 Cent is getting his own condom line.

Anyway, the following day I slept until 2 in the afternoon, woke up, made some peanut butter brownies, packed my things, and came to see my mom, and I'll be staying with her until Friday. LIFE.

Sorry for the irregular updates, guys, I'll just have to find a pattern I can stick with.


1 comment:

  1. I.WANT.TO.GO.TO.HARRY.POTTER.WORLD.SO.BAD. You have no idea. It's not a big deal at all. :) I love your blog, it is way better then mine.
